
What are the ways...?

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0 LIKES UnLike get my daughter to p**p? She sometimes doesn't p**p for two or three days. It kinda concerns me. I tried to feed her with prune juice, it doesn't always work. She definitely hates it and sometimes won't take it.

What are the other ways to get her to p**p? She's one month and 3 weeks old.




  1. i use oval for babies. its a concentrated med in a dropper. the first time i used it my baby was about your daughters age and he hadnt pooped for a few days. i gave it to him and then he had his bottle, within a minute his diaper was so full. it was the worst and greatest thing i've ever changed!

  2. She doesn't have to p**p every day.  As long as the stool isn't hard when it comes out, it doesn't matter if she poops once a day, 5 times a day, or once a week.  

    If it IS hard and painful to pass, consider trying a different formula to see if that makes a difference. (If she's breastfed it is 100% normal for a baby this age to p**p only once or twice a week, and no treatment is needed.)

  3. In spite of what many present day doctors tell you, you shouldn't go for 5 days without any bowel action at any age - auto-intoxication is a real danger.

    There are other juices which are stimulating to the bowels and slightly less upsetting to the stomach - apple, pear, peach, white grape/grapefruit,

    In our family it's "traditional" that you use a glycerine or soap suppository if you haven't "done" for 3 or 4 days,

  4. The only thing she should be drinking is breast milk or formula. If she is formula fed, it could be a issue with too much iron.

    If she is pooping and the p**p is not hard, without streaks of blood and it is easy for her to pass, there should not be any problems.  Some babies go a few days without any dirty diapers.  

  5. According to my son's doctor, this is completely normal.

    They don't even consider a baby to be constipated until they have gone about a week without pooping.

  6. My son sometimes went a couple of days without pooping and it was fine.  You only need to be concerned if she seems to be uncomfortable or in pain.

  7. Unless I am mistaking...

    Prune juice should not be giving to a baby that young unless under the advice of a professional.... I would stop that right away.

    It is normal for babies to go 1 or 2 days without a p**p. Specially if breastfeeding. My doctor told me that this means he is keeping most of it as nutrition, and not waste.

    If your baby is peeing normal, which should be about 6-8 wet diapers a day at this age, then she is doing fabulous.

    Is she happy when awake or cranky? Does she seems to have bellyaches?....

    Don't overstress with that unless there is a reason too.

    When she will p**p....have a towel close by, you might need it!

  8. If she is breast fed it is normal for her not to p**p up to a week.  My daughter rarely goes 2 days though.  Not sure if she is formula fed though.

  9. When this happened to me, my nurse told me to just give my son lots of water. Other than that, i'm not sure. Sorry for my lack of help!

  10. If your baby is breast fed, she may go quite a while in between bowel movements.  My son went 11 days once and the doctor said he was fine.  As long as the baby is passing gas, you know that things are moving along.  I don't know how often formula fed babies go so if that is the case I'm not any help.

  11. I would definitely contact your pediatrician due to her young age.

    Is she breastfed or bottlefed?  That may make a difference.  When my son was three months old we were told to give him prune juice mixed in a bottle (I pumped for it) and that did the trick.  Since your daughter is so new it would be best to ask your doctor.

    Congrats on your new baby and I hope she feels better and poops soon for you!!

  12. Is your daughter exclusively breast fed?  If so, going several days between bowel movements is not uncommon.  At her young age, juice, especially prune (which can be quite harsh) is not recommended.  Doctors may suggest a small amount of apple juice after 3 months of age.  Every baby is different.  Some will p**p after every feeding while others will go 3-4 or even more days between bowel movements.  Breast milk is a natural laxative and unless there is an underlying medical reason, it would be extremely rare for for an exclusively breast fed baby to experience constipation.  Very young babies have immature digestive systems and moving their bowels can often produce a great deal of gas as well as grunts, grimaces, groans and red faces, but not be accurate indicators of constipation.  True constipation almost always ends with the passing of tiny, hard, pebble-like stool.  Breast milk is easily digested and can often result in no waste other than urine.  It is best to contact your doctor if baby goes more than 3 days without a bowel movement.  But, unless there is obvious discomfort and a hard, distended tummy, the chances are there isn't anything wrong, it's just that your baby hasn't built up enough waste to be eliminated yet.  My own youngest daughter regularly went 3-4 days between bowel movements with her longest time period being 10 days between poops.  Some babies systems are just designed that way, too.  My youngest is now 11 years old and still goes 2-3 days between bowel movements.  

  13. I am sorry, I just answered another of your questions... do you think this is why she may be crying so much???

    If she is formula fed, you can put try putting 1 tsp of DARK karo syrup in her bottle and shake it up.

    If you are breastfeeding try upping your fiber intake, it will pass through the breast milk and it will have the same effect on the baby (fiber does not make you have diarrhea or constipate you, it makes you regular either way it goes and is perfectly safe.)  

  14. between that and her maybe colic... maybe you should try switching formula, or if your breastfeeding, maybe it is something your eating... some babies don't tolerate it well when their moms have too much dairy... good luck

  15. if she is breastfed this normal...

  16. She doesn't need to p**p's okay for them to go 5 days even.  Especially if they are breastfed.  Never give your baby anything other than formula/breastmilk unless the doc says too.  Her body is growing a lot and is using all of the fuel you are giving her...meaning, there is less waste.  It's very normal.
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