
What are the ways to teach a one year old child?

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how can i teach my one year old child....


i need to know about the steps to teach, kits to use etc..

tell me any website which provide this facility.




  1. 1 year olds learn by repition, so show him/her what to do a couple of times and explain in short what you are doing ie. mummy/daddy is putting the blue ring on the stacker

    my son loves to watch me do every thing and had learnt heaps that way

    also they learn by just playing with you or buy them selves

  2. They many different ways to teach kids things… I think the most effective methods are the ones that simulate their mind through what they like (mostly play at that age) and attracts their attention.  A couple of months ago I bought my son a toy (a deluxe play cube if I’m not mistaken) from a website that specializes in educational and learning toys, he plays with it like everyday like if it was the first time he saw it, and he has learn to count and say the alphabet and he is only 1 year and 9 months old. Here is the link to the site.

  3. i've been teaching my one year old son to sign as he's a late speaker (bilingual). i find the best moments to teach him things are those small attentive moments he sometimes has. he'll maybe see something and point at it and look up at me with real intensity as if asking "explain what this is please" and i grab those moments to teach him about it. they only last a few seconds but that's when you've got their complete attention. i believe the signing is really helping my son as he gets really frustrated when he can't voice things. he's also started trying to say the words we're signing.

    if you want to start a "conversation" you can get his attention in various ways. for example, just patting him on the hand, saying a funny noise, call his name (doesn't usually work for me lol)... and then explain something about the cat or whatever. moving to or away from him/her also gets their attention quick.

    children learn through play so you could sing about things. that's fun and will keep your baby interested. reading is also good. if there is a ball in one of the books have the real ball ready to show your child and he'll get more stimulation this way and be quicker to learn.

    the only concrete thing i can think of besides signing is drawing. it's supposed to be really good for their hand eye coordination.

  4. I think we should communicate with  the more oftenly so that the child should get familiar & learn many new things around the baby.the more we talk to them the more they learn.

  5. I don't think you need kits to teach a one year old child. Everything is a learning experience to them. But I did things to encourage it. I named the colours of everything we saw "look at the big blue truck". When I put my child's food in the freezer to cool down, I would count to ten (she could count that high at 18 months). If we saw a caterpillar on the sidewalk, we would watch it, touch it. There's ways to teach in just every day existence, if you look for it. Forget putting out money for kits.

  6. forget the kits.  Just give positive attention, and be aware that they watch and remember everything you do and will learn from you.  

    Explain everything--when you're making breakfast- just describe what you're doing and why. Some of it will zoom over their heads, but they will absorb quite a bit.  Talk to them as though they are little people, not in baby talk. leave that for the little special times.

    A good example has been given--start pointing out shapes, colors, practice counting, sing little songs,  just have a good time and keep talking to them about what's in their world.

    I used to talk to my son all the time (once he started talking, I couldn't get a word in)  

  7. One of my favourite quotes is "play for a child serves just as serious a purpose as a day in the library for a research student"

    1 year olds learn best through experiencing life and experimenting with different things that they encounter. You don't need to set up lessons, simply following your child's lead and encouring them to play and experiment where it interests them is best

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