
What are the websites that make the most profit and how do i start my own website?

by  |  earlier

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What are the websites that make the most profit and how do i start my own website?




  1. It's not just the web site that makes the profit.  It's also how you market your web site, how you draw traffic to your web site.  You don't just start up a web site and expect it to generate an income for you.  there's a little more to it then that.

    Personally the best web site I think is here,  She makes a very good income, has a non profit organization called SOFTIN in which she funds through this.  If you want to learn how to start something like this, email her.  She will show you the ropes.

    Good Luck to you!

  2. Hi, Please do not mix my answers with another crazy 4 in this answers box. Let me tell you about money making website. Do not be the jack of all. Be the master of one. Making Money is not an easy task. There is an initial cost on every project. Please check the website It takes to the visitors directly (after clicking on the link) to and make the visitor a referral. The website owner get benefitted for free. Do you know who made this website. That is me. This was the simplest one. I can make a wonderful webpages for you. Which will be containing as many links as you wish. You just need to provide me the material which is to be written. I will be making and uploading the website within 48 hours. It will be running for One Full Year. We will avoid any cost by uploading this website from a free domain and hosting website. But Creating a website costs a lot itself. But I have created a lot of webpages like that and will make two or three webpages for you + Will upload it + it Will be working for One full year and I will charge a meager 10 USD. YES ! This is a business deal for the mutual benefits. You may provide me all the information what to write in a simple notepad or word document. I will design each and everything. I will Upload the webpages and will run your website with free webhosting website which will keep running for One year. I want to say here that thereafter you will not need to provide your any referral links etc. to others just tell them the Web address of your website. When they will click on the link provided in the website they will become referral under you. You can also apply to googleadsence for advertisement on your site. This will work greatly for you then. It would be your extra income. This is a great idea and I worked for many many persons to create websites and this is a 100 % working Idea. I demanded 10 USD from a person for making this kind of website but it benefitted him a lot and he gave me 25 USD instead, Please let me know if you are interested. This could be an initial investment for a business to start. As u know that No Pains ... No Gains...

    Mail me at and get your website uploaded within 48 hours for just 10 USD. You can pay by credit card, Debit Card or By Paypal.

  3. I am an independent affiliate for Global Domains International. They are an awesome company!! Look at my website it gives you all the info.


  4. I have found a very simple and effective website that offers free tips to different legit ways to make money online. They always keep these programs updated so that there is never an "old" or "sour" program. They also offer a book to a marketing system that is unlike any I have seen. They teach you how to find the RIGHT products to promote (not the most popular), the way to track it's credibility, teached you how to build your website, and then discusses ways to market the product using genuine marketing techniques. The website is called: Online Money University.

    I hope this helps you out.

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