
What are the words to "God safe the Queen", also whats the second verse of "Advance Australia Fair" ?

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I know the following....."God safe our gratious Queen, long live our noble Queen, God safe the Queen....vala dictorium... hmmmm hm hmhm hm da da da da da da da da da da"

"Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free,

we've golden soil and wealth to toil, our land is gert by sea,

our land abounds in natures gifts, our beauty rich and rare,

in histories page, at every stage, advance Australia Fair, with golden strains than let us sing, Advance Australia Fair" (Often heard upon the "Gold Medal" dias at Olympic and Commonwealth Games - unlike "God safe the Queen".

The second verse goes something like "...Beneath our radiant Southern Cross, well toil with hearts and hands to make this Southern land of ours renowned through all the lands....."




  1. We all know the words to 'God Save the Queen' and know that King and Queen replace eash other dependent on the gender of the Sovereign, but something I don't know is if, when and why '...noble...' replaced the word '...glorious...', as my grandmother used to sing it. ?

    Interesting to know, also, that this is not actually an English song, as the tune was taken from the national anthem of the Principality of Liechtenstein...

  2. God Save the Queen, it is not very nice to the Scots !

    So here it is in it`s entirety, will you all rise please for The National Anthem....(cough !...cough !..uh hummm..uh hummm hum)

    God save our gracious Queen

    Long live our noble Queen

    God save the Queen

    Send her victorious

    Happy and glorious

    Long to reign over us

    God save the Queen

    O Lord our God arise

    Scatter her enemies

    And make them fall

    Confound their politics

    Frustrate their knavish tricks

    On Thee our hopes we fix

    God save us all

    Thy choicest gifts in store

    On her be pleased to pour

    Long may she reign

    May she defend our laws

    And ever give us cause

    To sing with heart and voice

    God save the Queen

    Not in this land alone

    But be God's mercies known

    From shore to shore

    Lord make the nations see

    That men should brothers be

    And form one family

    The wide world over

    From every latent foe

    From the assassins blow

    God save the Queen

    O'er her thine arm extend

    For Britain's sake defend

    Our mother, prince, and friend

    God save the Queen

    Lord grant that Marshal Wade

    May by thy mighty aid

    Victory bring

    May he sedition hush

    And like a torrent rush

    Rebellious Scots to crush

    God save the Queen

    But this is much more interesting :

    And the second verse of Advance Australia Fair is :-

    Beneath our radiant Southern Cross

    We'll toil with hearts and hands;

    To make this Commonwealth of ours

    Renowned of all the lands;

    For those who've come across the seas

    We've boundless plains to share;

    With courage let us all combine

    To Advance Australia Fair.

    In joyful strains then let us sing,

    Advance Australia Fair.

  3. Queens, Kings, this is all archaic BS. They have a good thing going for the present but people realize or should that a guy like Charles is just a dysfunctional man who caused great harm to his wife Di for that old relic.

  4. God save our gracious Queen

    Long live our noble Queen,

    God save the Queen:

    Send her victorious,

    Happy and glorious,

    Long to reign over us:

    God save the Queen.

    O Lord, our God, arise,

    Scatter thine enemies,

    And make them fall:

    Confound their politics,

    Frustrate their knavish tricks,

    On thee our hopes we fix:

    God save us all.

    Thy choicest gifts in store,

    On her be pleased to pour;

    Long may she reign:

    May she defend our laws,

    And ever give us cause

    To sing with heart and voice

    God save the Queen.

    Australians all let us rejoice,

    For we are young and free;

    We've golden soil and wealth for toil,

    Our home is girt by sea;

    Our land abounds in Nature's gifts

    Of beauty rich and rare;

    In history's page, let every stage

    Advance Australia fair!

    In joyful strains then let us sing,

    "Advance Australia fair!"

    When gallant Cook from Albion sail'd,

    To trace wide oceans o'er,

    True British courage bore him on,

    Till he landed on our shore.

    Then here he raised Old England's flag,

    The standard of the brave;

    With all her faults we love her still,

    "Brittannia rules the wave!"

    In joyful strains then let us sing

    "Advance Australia fair!"

    Beneath our radiant southern Cross,

    We'll toil with hearts and hands;

    To make this Commonwealth of ours

    Renowned of all the lands;

    For those who've come across the seas

    We've boundless plains to share;

    With courage let us all combine

    To advance Australia fair.

    In joyful strains then let us sing

    "Advance Australia fair!"

    While other nations of the globe

    Behold us from afar,

    We'll rise to high renown and shine

    Like our glorious southern star;

    From England, Scotia, Erin's Isle,

    Who come our lot to share,

    Let all combine with heart and hand

    To advance Australia fair!

    In joyful strains then let us sing

    "Advance Australia fair!"

    Shou'd foreign foe e'er sight our coast,

    Or dare a foot to land,

    We'll rouse to arms like sires of yore

    To guard our native strand;

    Brittannia then shall surely know,

    Beyond wide ocean's roll,

    Her sons in fair Australia's land

    Still keep a British soul.

    In joyful strains the let us sing

    "Advance Australia fair!"

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