
What are there root cause of third world war?

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What are there root cause of third world war?




  1. Israle.  I promise you, Israle will be the reason the world is once again thrown into a world war.  Not saying it will be all of Israles fault, but some idiots will get the notion to wipe Israle off the face of the earth and America will come to it's rescue.  Once America gets involved, **** IT GOING TO GET CRAZZZZZZY!!!!!!!!!

  2. Because everyone hates Israel (mostly Palistaniens)

    In the bible it says those who attack the holy land (israel) shall perish

    or something like that

    So we help them

    Thats why McCain should be elected

    he wants to help over there

  3. brain washing, and poverty.

  4. The next world war will be sparked by an accidental launch of nuke(s) by one of the super powers.  Unfortunately, the next world war will be global suicide, so you can forget about holding your breath, it won't happen any time least as long as the strategic powers still believe in M.A.D.

    Until then, just think regional wars, proxy wars, sabre rattling and brinksmanship.

  5. Until it happens nobody can answer your question with anything more substantial than a guess as to what will cause it if and when it happens.

  6. I'm going to have to go with "There hasn't been one yet....?".

    Pretty hard to determine the cause of a war that has not occurred, though like arguing with my husband, I could probably give you a rough guess at what the cause of the next one would be.

    Fighting between countries or between people, it's almost always the same few causes. Jealousy, money or beliefs (my god's better then your god or bed is at 8pm/let him stay up or I'm right/no I'm right) that kind of thing, all different things people truly believe in.

  7. Do you mean what WILL the causes of the third world war be?

    If so,that is easy it's only three little letters : OIL!

    If not,then you might want to open your history book as the last time that I checked we have only had two global conflicts,and that should be enough.

  8. There have only been two wars with the prefix World. World War I and World War II. Try to ask something more intelligible next time.

  9. Water and energy resources.

  10. President George Bush

  11. go back to school, learn grammar, and the world war number thing ended at two

  12. What 'Third World War'??

  13. All wars are caused by the same thing: some folks want what other folks got -- and try to take it.

  14. wait, we already had a world war III? no way!

  15. Not banning nuclear weapons,not prohibiting the use of poison gases,not removing outlaw germ warfare there are the root causes of war.

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