
What are these 500,000 plastic coffins in Georgia USA for? Please see undercover film below.?

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  1. IF the U.S government are planning on killing off hundreds of thousands of their civilians,why would they go to the bother of burying them..individually at that,seems kinda time consuming,wouldnt they just burn the bodies,?

  2. They're not coffins... They're porta-potties... Do you want to be buried in a porta-potty?

  3. presumably you didnt read the comments

  4. You stole my answer Sorcha.  Why would the government bother spending money on coffins if they were planning mass genocide, they'd stick the bodies in incinerators and destroy the evidence, just as the n***s tried to do.  Perhaps they are just in case of a mass disaster so they can quickly store the bodies to prevent pollution of the waterways, etc?

    If i was going to initiate a policy of mass genocide, i'd want as few people as possible in the loop, and want to do it as quickly as possible.  I'd conceive some kind of giant microwave which would kill and cremate the victims at the same time, and i'd also have to kill all the guards who were involved to eliminate the witnesses.

  5. No-one makes or uses plastic coffins. Coffins have to be made of degradeable materials so that they, & the bodies, can rot back into the ground.

    These are obviously porta-loos or something like that.

  6. Mass Genocide........ innit

  7. i dont get it??

  8. Have you seen this article?

    They are grave liners, which caskets are placed in. Here's their website:

    My question is:  Why can't this be Polyguard Vaults inventory? Is there proof that it isn't? I don't think it's uncommon for companies to keep millions of dollars worth of product sitting around waiting for orders. The author of the article said that the land might be leased by FEMA, but he was skeptical of that.

    Let's just say it is the property of FEMA. I could see them having something like that in case of a disaster. An outbreak of some deadly disease, for example. The vaults would probably be an easy, cheap way to seal up the corpses. It would be better than body bags, I think, because it wouldn't allow the spread of the virus or whatever.

    If this story has been around for years, why doesn't the owner of the vaults just come forward and tell us all what's up? It does seem suspicious to me.

  9. This is the third time I have answered this question throughout Y!A.  They are NOT coffins, this is NOT a conspiracy!!  They are plastic burial vaults, and the video is obviously at the vault manufacturer.  Why would they allow it to be filmed if it was a "conspiracy"?  They are vaults.  The casket is placed into a vault prior to being buried at the cemetery.  They have to store them somewhere, don't they?  People have nothing better to do than to make fake vidoes about how we are all going to be placed in a plastic container, which is reality is a burial vault.

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