
What are these called?

by Guest63743  |  earlier

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Are the lights on the leading edge on this wing runway turnoff lights or are they wing lights (to make the wing visible)? I'm confused....if these are one or the other, where are the other lights I mentioned?




  1. They are runway turn off lights. But I used to design electrical systems for fighters mostly (a short time working on larger aircraft) This is a little big for a fighter. PHD EE

    Also wing lights are near the body of the plane and navigation lights are on the wing tips. Two completely different lights.

  2. Uh landing lights

    The ones on the wheel are both landing lights and taxi lights.

    On some planes like the 757 there are two sets of lights on the wheel....landing and taxi....but the 737 one set on the wheel which is the taxi lights....

    Dont believe everything you see or read...

  3. Yes those are landing lights only their placement is different on the specific  series.(737 400,500,600,900). Some have it on the landing gear others  , as this one have it on the wing.Also the lights on a wing are called Navigation lights  , not wing lights.(Sounds more professional)

  4. All bright lights facing forward on aircraft are collectively called landing lights. That is the main purpose of them. Some are used to see straight down the runway (landing), some to spot the edge of the runway (turnoff) and those that will point down the centerline when the nose wheel is turned(nosewheel).

    So you see, whatever light it is, it is still primarily a landing light. They can also be used in the daylight to make the plane easier to see.

  5. landing lights

  6. Those are the landing lights.

  7. These are landing lights.  They light the runway during hours of darkness for landing, and they also make the aircraft more visible.  On the Classic 737s, there is another pair that drop from each outboard flap fairing.

    The runway turnoff lights are the unlit lights just inboard of the landing lights beneath the same lens.

    The wing lights (or ice lights) are mounted on the side of the fuselage.

    Edit: You are probably looking at a diagram for a different aircraft (like the 757).  The 737 only has a single taxi light on the nose gear.

    The diagram you gave is for an MD-11 and the picture below it is of a 777.  The top picture of the 737 is not labeled but it has the inboard landing lights and single taxi light on.  The first picture you linked with the question is a 737 as well and is what I based my answer on.

    I used to work on 737s for a living and had the pleasure of turning these lights on and off hundreds of times.

    A better site for 737 technical info is this one:

    Here, look at this picture below.  This is a 737NG, but the wing root lights are pretty much the same.  There are two lights in the cavity (the plexi is removed).  The one on the left is pointed straight ahead and is a landing light, the one on the right (slightly hidden) is pointed out and is a runway turnoff light.

    The wing light (or ice light) is visible in this picture below if you go down from the 'T' in AirTran to just below the window line and just behind the black spot that is one of the static ports.

  8. If i didnt know better id swear those are the landing lights and the ones on the nose gear would be the taxi lights

  9. Those are the wing mounted landing lights...the runway turnoff lights are located just to the inside of the landing lights in the same housing, but they are turned outwards and down whereas the landing lights are pointed straight ahead.  They can be seen in the picture you provided (they are not lit)

    The wing lights are located on the side of the fuselage just in front of the wing and cannot be seen in your photograph

    By the way.  There is no 737 series that has a nose gear  mounted landing light...just a taxi light.  The 737-2/3/4/5 has 2 inboard wing mounted landing lights, and 2 more landing lights located in the outboard flap fairing and are activated with a flap setting of 25 or greater.  The 737-6/7/8/9 has 2 inboard wing mounted landing lights, and 2 more located on the bottom of the fuselage mounted just in front of the main gear.  Hope this answers your question!
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