
What are these colors I'm seeing on objects?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed if I look at ANYTHING and concentrate (stare at it for like 5 seconds)......... I can see the color blue and red-orange.

The blue color will always be on the right side of the object while the red-orange color is on the left.

What is this?

Or is this just my eyes playing tricks on me?




  1. Seeing different colours can be associated with the paranormal, but in this case I think it is probably just your eyes playing tricks on you.

    If this carries on, or/and you start having other difficulties with your eyes; I suggest that you should have your eyes checked to make sure there is nothing wrong with them.

  2. I would suggest you get your eyes examined.  This sounds like an optical problem.

  3. There is an optical section here, under health I think, that would be a good place to ask this question.

    I am guessing that staring at the object is the reason for seeing the colours, maybe some sort of retinal fatigue even though your eyes may be mainly healthy.

  4. wot you are seeing is a aura all living things have one and depending on the co lours will tell you alot about that person or 'object' you have a natural gift and i would suggest to develop it and to do that find your nearest spiritualist church and they can give you all the help you need but its nothing to be scared of we all have a aura and some people can see it good luck xx

  5. They Are Auras

    Different Colours Mean Different Things

    you can find them out here:

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