
What are these dreams about? Crucifixion and smoking a cigarette?

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Ok i had 2 really weird dreams and some bad things have been pretty much happening to me.

The first one was that it was like my dad and my uncle were going to be crucified up in these mountains in this cave and people were there as if it were a funeral and i remember walking up an alley and crying before it actually happened...And it was like everyone was counting down to when they would be killed... I woke up before anyone could be crucified.

The other one was of me smoking a cigarette and i liked it but i didn't and it was also like i could feel the smoke going inside me.........i have never smoked in my life!

Could someone tell me what these dreams mean please because i think i've been having a pretty bad week because of them!

Thank you!




  1. 2md dream first....I call.....guilty pleasures my friend,the dream of you smoking liking yet not liking it..not giving in to the terrible hold cigarrestes have that takes a strong mind to overcome those feelings..sometimes our heredity has a lot to do with it...yet its bout it's possible to change your DNA...its true its other words you can make yourself never want to smoke or even think of a cigarrette or any bad habbits..this dream is your mind telling you that ...

    1st dream..vary deep i had to think more about it thats why its 2nd..

    you dreamed of your ancestors ..lets not take that the wrong way..yet that was a primal dream an ancestral dream..for some reason i think its more deeper feelings to this dream yet your kinda shy or maybe not ready to open that part up because crucifiction is a vary deep inner pain..that deals with one being sacrificed willingly or not at times...the inner guilt and pain that ciggareets have goes way deeo into ones psychy,,,this is what the ciggarett industry lives for ..its up to to seems as if they want to pull you in because they knw you inside and out..they do studies on the livinits strange how sg and the dead..sorry but its true..dont worry my friend as long as you let the pain out..keep your self mentally and physically strong the evil ness of ciggarettes wont hurt you waking up before anyone was crucified..shows that you dont want to see harm happen to those you love none of us do...maybe you should talk to your dad and uncle if they smoke i think they go tell them your dream it might help them...and you..

  2. Your dad and your uncle actually represent you. You have some things going on in your life right now that you are having a hard time accepting and handling. Being taken to a cave to be crucified and people sort of cheering means that you feel that your life and what happens in your life is out of your hands and that no one seems willing to help you. Because you were smoking a cigarette (self harm) in your second dream, you may actually be doing some things or making some decisions that aren't so good for you.

    Take a step back and try to figure out what is causing you to feel like you life is out of control. Figure out what you are doing that is hurting yourself and try to stop it. Other people may be more willing to help  you if they think you are willing to help yourself. Good luck.

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