
What are these lines on my TV?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 50" Visio HD TV Plasma and after about 3 months i noticed these 5 or 6 very thin vertical lines from the top of the screen all the way to the bottom. It is under a 4 year warranty but i want to know if there was anything i can do about it myself before i call them. Maybe update a firmware or something.

At first i thought it was interference from my network because i have a 360, PS3 and PC all connected to it. But even when i pull out all the inputs it is still there. Sometimes it disappears for a few hours then comes back. Once it went for about 2 weeks, then came back. It's a pain in the a@#.

I also turned the TV off for a few days then they disappear, but after a few hours they came back. I also noticed that if the picture is black you do not see them.

Any ideas?




  1. Ya you need to get that fixed by a pro. Good thing you got the warrenty.

  2. Something wrong with the display, don't do anything yourself to try to fix it, you will invalidate the warranty..

    Though I would have expected them to be horizontal, as that's now most TVs scan.

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