
What are these little bugs in my kitchen cabinet?

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They are small black or brown bugs and they are in everything that is open for example sugars, grits, pancake mix etc.




  1. Ahhh, you have discovered the wonderful world of "weavels" my friend.  Keep everything you open in a plastic bag or tupperware container.  Gallon size freezer bags work great for sugars, flours, etc.  They are sneaky and can get in just about anything.  I hear spreading bay leaves in your cabinets can help get rid of them.

  2. first answer is right. throw all that stuff away, scrub out your cabinets and then spray with pesticide. you probably brought them home from the store

  3. weevils

    throw all packaged goods out

    remove everything from your kitchen cabinets

    treat with insecticide/such as raid for kitchen bugs. also kitchen counters and drawers.  vaccuum/remove all dead pieces of the evil weevils.

    clean, clean, clean.

    start over with fresh packaged goods.

  4. Weevils.  They hatch from eggs that are already in the products when you buy them.  It sounds like you have a serious infestation.  Throw everything away.  In the future, when you begin to see them, store everything in the freezer overnight.  The cold temp will kill the weevils.

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