
What are these little flies in my hermit crabs tank?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 happy hermit crabs, and there's these little annoying flies that are in my hermit crabs tank, and they are everywhere! In the food dish, in the dirt, in the coconut on top of the coconut, on the shells, and even on my crabs! I don't know what to do! I'm trying to afford to replace the dirt, but I don't know if that'll be even worth it if they come back. I mean, what ever I do replace, they could still find a way to come back! You know what I mean? HELP!




  1. ok what you need to do, is a bit of work but it will save time in the long run.

    Take you hermit crabs and put then in a box were they can live for a few days. (with water and food)

    Now take all your ordaments caves bowls ect.. out of the tank and give them a good wash with a scubing brush.

    Then empty out the sand into a bucket and sive the sand to get rid of the flys.

    Then give the tank a good wipe down and leave it totaly empty for a day or two..

    Then return every thing (exept the crabs water and food) to the tank and lave for a few days.(making sure there is no flies)

    Then replace you crabs, food and water and hey presto no more fruit flies.(make sure the crabs are clean,(no flies))

    They are hanging around becouse the tank is perfect breeding conditions for em.

    Hope this helps you out.

    Good luck.

  2. i hate those their called fruit flies

  3. just wash out the tank and wash everthing in it

  4. ewwwwwwwwwwww clean the tank.

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