
What are these "Check in times" and "Check out times" at Hotels?

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I'm planning my first-ever trip to Europe this summer. I'm looking at the Hotel information and come across these check in/out times. What are they supposed to represent? If, for example, 2 pm is check-in time and 11 am is check out time; I, then, cannot check-in before or after 2 pm or I cannot check out before or after 11 am. This is the only thing which is driving me mad about my trip.




  1. At my hotel check in is at 3pm and out is at noon. according to availability early arrivals and late departures are accepted..If you guarentee your room via credit card your room will be held until your arrival,or until the next day...

  2. this means that check in time begins at 2 PM.  For check out, you need to be out of the room and check out at the front counter by 11 AM.

  3. the fixed time to check in and out

  4. check in time = the time that you can sign into your room on your first day there.

    Check out time = the time that you must pay and leave your room by on your last day.

    For eg, if you arrive at 9am, you can go to your hotel, ask them to hold your bags (take all valuables with you), then go and explore until your check in time (or later).

    And on your last day in the city, if your flight/train isn't til say 3pm, you check out at the specified time (usually 10/11am) and the hotel can hold your bags until you are ready to leave to catch your train./plane.

    It shouldn't be a huge problem for your trip.

  5. These are the hotels times they like you to be there and leave by for your stay.

    Therefore, they would like you to arrive around check-in time to check-in get your room, etc. If you arrive early, some hotels do allow this, they appreaciate you letting them know of early or late arrivals. But if you get there early, some hotels will hold your luggage for you at the their bell desk until you come back later in the day and your room is available.

    As far as check-out, this is when you are supposed to have checked out of the hotel by. Meaning you pay anything that you need to pay and tell them you are leaving. You can check out after that time, but just be aware the hotel is allowed to charge for another day since that is their policy.

    Hope this helps!

  6. Hi, you need not go crazy over this. Hotels do need time to turn a room around after being vacated by the guests. So typically they have a window of time to do this. Hence you notice that there is a gap of about 2hrs for this.

    Typical checkout time is around noon, or about 12pm. However, this time can be extended if the hotel is not fully booked and can make adjustment to accommodate the guests. So late checkout can be entertained till 1 or even 2pm. Some hotel have frequent stayers and they are allowed to checkk out as late as 4 or 6pm.

    Checkin time them is usually about 2pm for most hotels, though some may allow you earlier checkin time if t*t is not too full and rooms are available. So time is not fixed.

    What you can do is to contact the hotel you are staying at and ask about their status, whether they can accept you earlier or late exit. Have a good stay.

  7. check in means you can't enter the room before the stated time. check out anytime but if you ckeck out after the stated time you will be charged for an extra day cause you are holding up a room that could be used by another guest.

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