
What are these "lips" on the p***s opening?

by  |  earlier

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well they look a bit like lips, and uh its on the opening where the pee comes out, what is this thing? Could it be Gonorreah or whatever?




  1. Go to a Doc...maybe you have genital warts

  2. dont worry its all normal

  3. Dude:it is just the end of the urethra..And it is supposed to look like that.

    It is no disease:then all men would have a disease.


  4. don't worry be happy !! it all normal  

  5. no I have them too, always have could be normal or damage from circumcision (the p***s tip tries to seal sometimes after an infant circ) - another one of the complications

  6. The meatus (opening) of the urethra is at the tip of the glans p***s.

  7. Are you talking about the urethra? That's something all guys have. But if it's like, swelled up or something...I dunno, man...

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