
What are these random flashes of light seen by my mother and myself?

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Lately I've started seeing random flashes of light around my house. They seem to come in two types: very fast flashes that seem to come from everywhere, and little balls of blueish light that float near the ground. I thought it was just my eyes, but my mother mentioned seeing similar things without me mentioning it to her first. She describes them exactly as I see them. I've seen the lights a few times when both of my parents are in the room. My mother and I will react to it (having suddenly seen something quite out of place), but my father doesn't see anything at all.

Is it possible that we both have some sort of eye condition (or any other rational explanation)?

Is there some other explanation? Has anyone else ever seen anything like this? Why would two people see something, and the third not see anything out of the ordinary at all?

Thank you in advance!




  1. This is the paranormal section, you are in the wrong place if you are hoping for a rational explanation.

    Do you see the flashes of light when the light in the room is turned off? Some of the globes in our house produce very short flashes of light every 30 minutes or so, it only happens with those new flouro sort of globes and is some sort of minor electrical fault, lots of people report it happening you could try asking in the electrical appliance section here.

    If you think there could be something wrong with your eyes you could try the Heath > Optical section, maybe the blue things are something like floaters.


    Lol, I don't believe it - no one in the first 6 posts has used the word 'orb', perhaps I shouldn't have started my post with that sarcastic comment.

  2. fireflies

  3. What you are seeing are known as Orbs.  These are balls of light and energy .  The flashes of light are the movement they make when travelling very fast.

    These are protective and there for you and your mother.  Perhaps one of you is opening up spiritually or is in need of support in some way.  Either way they are there.  To look at this more closely you can go on to the website of Diana Cooper who has also written a book about orbs - some of the pictures are truly amazing.  I have pictures of orbs and whenever I take a photo - there is always - no matter where I am or what the conditions are - a very large orb just to the right of the picture I have taken.  The camera has been checked and is fine.  I live near water and this very often sees a huge activity in orbs and I hve some wonderful photos of these.  The website however will give you more information or just write orbs into the google search bar.

    Dont be fightened by them - they are in no way going to harm you - quite the opposite.

  4. ball lightning? migraines?

  5. I don't know you personally so I don't know exactly what you see but I sometimes see these little flashes of light.  What I see is what my eye doctor calls floaters. It has something to do with the retina not sure what exactly what causes them but to ME that's what it sounds like. I cant be positive but just from the description that's what it sounds like.

  6. When I saw the title to this I though well this is easy. You clearly have high blood pressure and are having vision problems. After reading It is clear you live in a haunted house. I suggest holding a seance and moving far far away!

  7. First you will need to try to rule out all the natural possibilities, some of which are not so pleasant.  Exposure to certain chemicals even in low doses can cause different reactions depending of course the chemical.  If it is an older home, it could be lead paint.  And interestingly enough, in older homes and buildings that have had asbestos in them, the orbs show up in photos and sometimes to the eye as different colored specks, one of them being red.  I don't know what the affects that radon or cardon monoxide have but even those can have a bad ending.  So it would be worth your families time to get professionals out there to make sure that none of this stuff is happening.  If you can see them, make some pictures.  I would love to see one.

    Please keep me posted as I would really love to know the outcome.

  8. I've seen flashes outside, (on a clear night so it couldn't have been lightning, lol) and I could have sworn someone was taking pictures. Needless to say, my blinds are closed.

  9. Well...  Yesterday was the fourth of July.  So maybe it was fireworks.  lol

  10. It is caused by the gel like substance in the back of your eye slightly pulling away from the retina.  This triggers a voltage in the vision cells at the back of the eye.

    This can be a symptom of an eye disease and you should be examined by an ophthalmologist and not the usual optometrist.

    Tell them of your symptoms.

    Nothing paranormal is happening.

  11. Somebody alread said ball lightning, so I will say swamp gas.  Or ghosts.  Or someone is shooting psi balls at you.  Maybe ghosts made out of swamp gas that shoot psi balls.  What!?!  They are too real!!  Oh, whatever if you are too closeminded to accept my help, I was going to give you a shielding spell and protection amulet...

  12. The fact you and your mother see it while your father doesn't is a strong indication it isn't really there, but might perhaps be due to an eye problem.  Go see and eye doctor to see if there is a medical explanation for what you're seeing.

  13. It sounds like what a lot of people report seeing when they are being exposed to a constant low dose of harmful chemicals. Are you sure you dont have a gas leak or have harmful materials in your home?

    People with some specific medical conditions report such things as well including various thyroid disorders, blood preasure issues and bio-chemical imbalances.

    You need to get your home inspected and you should both go in for bloodwork to make sure you're not being exposed to something harmful.

    Remember, exposure to harmful chemicals is what killed Napoleon. With him it was lead paint.

  14. Could be  that  your father has an eye problem.  However, flashes of light could mean eye problems.  I  have seen flashes of light, like lightning strikes.  Then I discovered I had floaters, small black lines like spider webs in my eyes. Seeing an eye doctor may be a good thing.

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