I have had a male chin for a while(he is 7 yrs) and I recently adopted a female silver 3 month old, well I have them in tall 4 level cages and they are pushed up next to each other so that they smell each other and touch each other, when she is old enough they can mate if they want or play together, so I did this so that they could get used to one another, well over the past few weeks they play and run up and down chasing eac other and something they make these little squeaks,chirps at each other, it is like they are chatting with each other, my older has always barked if he wants your attention or if you pet him on his back where he does not like to be petted but these are different noises, are they talking? Is it good? Any ideas/ they both seem very happy, eating well and everything is good so what it is it?