
What are these symptoms? i dont think i am pregnant so could it be something else?

by  |  earlier

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blue veins on my b*****s and lower back pain which is really starting to take the p*** i have tried typing it in to google and it is only coming up with pregnancy symptoms and although i have missed this months period i dont think i am pregnant as i have no other symptoms? can anyone help?




  1. Well to be honest I think you should take a pregnancy test just to make sure.  The first thing that made me think I was pregnant was the darker blue veins on my b*****s.  I did not really have any other symptoms apart from that.  I then had missed my period by a week and got a positive test,  Seriously take a test to put your mind at rest.  If you are adamant that you cannot be pregnant then make an appointment to discuss with your dr.

    Good luck

  2. sounds like pregnancy to me.

    the blue veins is the big is puming more blood to your b*****s.  hence, the blue veins.

    take a pregnancy test.

  3. they look like pregnancy symptoms, take a pregnancy test

  4. Take a's the only way to know.

  5. Congratulations

  6. Not everyone has every symptom, so if you haven't taken a test, then obviously you should, but I went for weeks with all the symptoms of being pregnant but kept getting negative tests - my doctor said it was probably stress.

  7. if you have had intercourse since your last period make sure you aren't pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. if you are positive you aren't, see a doctor it could just be lower back pain.

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