
What are these things I see caused by?

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Why is it that sometimes I can see shapes moving around in the air? I know they arent real though and that its my eyes, I can tell by the movements etc. They look like shapes that just have an outline but are still clear? Kinda like photos of what chromosones look like, you know?Funny little shapes. And they move around in my eyeline. I find it very odd, what is this and does anyone else get this?

Also, I have perfect 20 20 vision so theres nothing technically worng with my eyes.




  1. Most likely you are "seeing" the dust that is trapped in your eyes. It's normal and I think everyone kind of gets it you just don't notice it till you think about it.

  2. hey!!! i get the same thing!!! for a long time i was worried thinking i had worms living in my eyes or something nasty like that. but after doing some research online i learned about dust and tears... we can have tiny tears on our eyes that don't hurt or anything but we can see. it's probably just dust.

    whatever it is, it doesnt bother me if i don't look for it.

  3. I get the same thing. It kinda freaked me out the first couple of times. Now if I'm really bored, I just look at a white wall and watch the wiggly lines. :-)

    Read the link. It explains it much better than I ever could.

    My eye doctor said it was normal, not to freak out about it.

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