
What are these tingly feelings in my fingers?

by  |  earlier

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Once in a while, for no reason, out of the blue, my fingers start to feel like they are heating up and then they tingle. Feels like spikes are coming out of my fingers (and I know I am not turning into Spiderman). The tingly feelings kind of hurt but not painful enough to make me scream.





  1. That "tingly" feeling is your fingers getting blood back in them. (Like when you cut off the circulation in your foot by sitting on it, and then it gets tingly again when all the blood comes back.)

    It's quite common for your "extremities" (toes, fingers, ears) to not get that great of circulation because they're harder to pump blood to, but if it's been happening for months, it's something you'll need to go to the doctor for to get medication. If you don't, there's the possibility your fingers could "die" without getting enough blood, and you'll need to get them amputated.

    However, if it's just been a few days, don't worry. Just make sure you're drinking enough water, that you're not wearing tight rings, and/or that you're not too stressed out about anything. Any of those could make your fingers tingle like that, too.

    Edit: Hands are also considered "extremities." If you're really worried about it, go to your doctor and have them do a few tests to find out what's going on.

  2. its the cells dying in your hand.

  3. What fingers is it?

    If its your thumb, pointer & index finger then it could be carpletunnel syndrome. I get it and its a tingly numb kind of thing. I stretch my fingers and it goes away, sort-of, for a few minutes.

  4. ok either blood is not reaching your fingers or your fingers are num or sleeping...

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