
What are these warnings/penalties in tennis?

by  |  earlier

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Racquet abuse, ball abuse, 20-second serve.

Is there any other warning issued at international matches? What is the procedure - no. of warnings before action is taken, etc.




  1. Unlike baseball, tennis officialls like to keep the game going so you can't take forever on your serve. They are not too strick on that one. But raquet abuse is usually like pounding your raquet against the ground after you loose a point .  And ball abuse is like hitting the ball really hard somewhere(eg ground, into stands, at opponent(unsportsmanlike conduct))The 1st guy got it all right on the procedure part, though in different places(Wimbulton+French Open)rules differ. For example in Wimbulton you can challenge calls and elsewehere you can not.

  2. Talking to your trainer is also one of them, Jelena Jankovic was warnned and at the end had to pay 5000$ for talking to her mother at I think Australian open. Even though she is not her trainer but they were talking on serbian so it was decided that she was giving her advices in the middle of the match.

  3. warnings can be given for any actions deemed inappropriate - arguing, swearing, etc

    usually 1 warning is given.  after that, you lose a point.  next offense you lose a game, then set, then match for every additional occurence.

  4. it's a warning, then loss of the point, loss of the game, then loss of the set, then loss of the match.

    it's up to the tournament director (TD)/ref on what is considered unsporting. ex. how loud the person cursed, how hard they threw their racquet, ect.

    a lot of things could be called. throwing/slamming your racquet, cursing, insulting the other player... the list could go on and on. i'm not sure about serves. that would also depend on the rules the TD set, or the rules the ref goes by.

    Warnings are probably the same in international matches, but they're probably much more strict.

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