
What are these weird bugs?

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Okay we have recently bought a new dresser from Ikea and ever since we built it and moved it into our room we have been seeing these really strange bugs. The are probably about the length of a standard staple and shaped like a football. They are really flat and look almost like a piece of a rock but theydon'tt have any legs or anything. There is a little worm lookin thing that comes out of one of the ends but they have never been like going after food or water or anything. Its the weirdest thing I've ever seen. We are also doing a lot of construction at our house so they might be from that...any ideas??




  1. Burrower Bugs,maybe not sure  

  2. As a "just in case" capture one then take it to your local Ag Extension for identification as soon as possible. It's better to be sure now than be infested later.

  3. thats a larvae, which means its in juvenile form. Its going to turn into some fly or beatle. gross

  4. eww i have seen one of those before,honestly i dont know what they are either,sorry :[

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