
What are these worms in my p**p?

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Why does it burn when I defecate? I have seen white worms in my p**p about 1" long. They stop wriggling after about 30 minutes. The first time I saw this, I vomited black bile into the toilet, then I passed out and hit my head.

Is there any way to cure this with homeopathy?





  2. parasitic worms, go to a doctor.

  3. Wholefoods carries a product called ParaGone,try it. You may want to consult with a medical professional before trying any over the counter product.

  4. i have no idea. you should go to a doctor and have that checked out. doesnt sound so good.

  5. YOU NEED web MD not yahoo answers

  6. 1. Are you SERIOUS???

    2. You have worms. Go to the doctor.  

  7. I am not going to pretend I know the first thing about what's going on with you, but all I can say is see a doctor immediately because that sounds serious and I recommend a professional.

  8. i would go to a doctor  

  9. Small white worms in stools are pin worms, and this condition is easily cured by 2 doses of Albendazole given 2 weeks apart.

    Make an appointment to meet your physician for a prescription.

    You don't need homeopathy to cure what is easily cured with just 2 pills.

  10. hahaha, are you lying???

    well anyway,

    it sounds like you have tape worms...

    you should go to the doctor if this is true.

    tape worms are very serious!!!!

  11. go to a doctor


  13. You  need meds. Go to the dr.  I doubt they are tape worms. Tape worms are bigger.  It's not a life or death emergency, but you really do need to get help.  They can get so bad that they climb al the way up you throat.  I know its gross but I've seen it done.

  14. Homeopathy should only be used to treat things if you don't really care if they get better or not.  Something more serious, I'd recommend going to a real doctor.

  15. are you serious? you have tape worms. FORGET about homeopathy!

    GO TO A DOC , i would go to emergency room right now actually.  

  16. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    lol u passed out looking at po po   maybe u need a wash out  

  17. no way.. just go see a doctor because thats not even normal..

  18. You should really stop eating raw meat an sushi.

  19. You don't have tape worm.  You have thread worms and you can get rid of the problem by taking Ovex tablet available from the pharmacy.  Speak with the pharmacist who may even recommend something more efficient and newer on the market.  It is a contagious thing so treat everyone in the family with the same medication.

  20. You should go to the docter right now. You might have worms (thats what dogs get) and that is NOT good.

  21. pumpkin seed oil ..dude and stop biting your nails after petting animals can get worms.Also eatting snow

  22. The little worm-like creature that was seen in your  stool was probably a threadworm (pinworm), although there are other types of worms which can also infect the human gut. Infection with threadworms is not uncommon in children, and adults can also become infected.

    The usual symptom of this infection is intense itching around the back passage which is often worst at night and may disturb sleep.

    The drugs piperazine and mebendazole can both be used to treat threadworms.

    Piperazine can be bought over the counter at a pharmacy but mebendazole is only available on prescription.

    If one person in the family is found to have a worm infection it is usually advisable to treat everyone as others may be infected although they may not yet have developed any symptoms.

    It's also important to wash your hands and scrub your nails before each meal and after going to the toilet to try and prevent the infection being passed from one person to another.

  23. DOCTOR.

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