
What are they going to do about nicoles best bits ??

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on friday, i mean what frigging best bits, she hasn't done ANYTHING ?




  1. How do you know it'll be Nicole?  

  2. Errrrrrr.....just show when she gets evicted? Lol

  3. Her bits bits are her fine acting skills. Especially when she pretends to be so upset, you can really see her struggling with the tears.

    Get her out!!!

  4. What best bits? lol

    Darnell's stuffed horse has been more entertaining.

  5. i just hope she actually stays till friday, she keeps threatening to walk...but then again she has been doing that since the day she actually went in. for her best bits, i think it will be when she waas sleeping, followed  by 'i'm high maintenance weep weep weep'.

    i can't wait to boo the tv when those doors open

  6. Haha .. I thought the same thing when I heard she was nominated.  Hopefully she will save up all the misery and walk before the vote is announced.

  7. show her crying i guess.

    i think she is a nice person, just the house has brought out the worse in her..

    exspecially with rex.

  8. lol, her entering the house.... her argument with rex..... her next arfument with rex ..... her next argument with rex ..... her smiling for a second!!.... another argument .... her doing a task .... another argument blah blah blah lol

    Really hope she goes this week!

  9. well i was hoping she got them out it would be more entertaining seems rex doesnt know what to do with them  

  10. Good point actually. They may just show her worst bits instead.  

  11. Ha ha great minds think alike Karley because about half an hour ago I thought the same thing!  Don't think she has smiled once has she?!!

  12. Oh I'm sure Rex will choose them for her!

  13. She might not even be evicted..

    she said she was gna leave today..

    lets see if she leaves this time...

  14. she has cried and moaned that is about it.  Why did she go in there.  I bet Rex wishes the other girl was his GF.  I hope Rex leaves with her, or when she gets evicted she confronts him about his cheating and lying.

  15. What best bits???????

    This will be their  biggest problem in the history of BB!

  16. Boooo-Hoooooo-sob-Snif-sniff-Boooooo-Wii... That's about all Nicole has done since she entered the house,I'm surprised she's got any tears left to cry.


  17. I think they'll do her worst ones instead lmao!

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