
What are things a "true" vegetarian cant do?

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I'm one I have ever been one since I was 9.It was my own choice and there are things they cant do what are some more? I know most true ones dont eat marshmallows and some kinds of yogurt.Also some think its wrong to play paintball.I know its because of gelitne,which is made from bone maro. so add as much as you can to the list =^*)~




  1. Can't watch sports, that's contributing to animal cruelty. (Leather ball, shoes, etc.)

    Can't drive a car- pollutes environment.

    Can't use a computer-EMF pulses.

    Can't eat/drink soy-crop planting and harvesting kills dozens of deer, geese, pheasant, etc. annually.

    Of course these are things that no vegan or vegetarian ever mention, but it is harmful to animals.  Ahh, hypocrisy.

  2. I think there is some problem, possibly, with the wording of this question in relation to some answerer's feelings.

    "True vegetarian"- what do you mean? Do you mean vegan, a strict vegetarian, a raw vegetarian, or what *you* consider to be a true vegetarian?

    When I think "true vegetarian" and looking at what you're talking about, I think you mean vegan.

    To summarize, vegans don't consume anything that came from an animal. They don't wear products derived from animals. This encompasses a lot more but far more than I can just put here. It is a lifestyle choice.

    Basically, if it came from an animal, don't use it or support its use.

    Some marshmallows are vegan- but you have to check and usually have to buy them from online/specialty stores.

    Honey is usually a no-no as it comes from animals.

    No milk, eggs, cheese, etc. unless you're talking the vegan versions (like soy milk, rice cheese, etc.)

    Gelatine is a no- no.

    Depending on the source, glycerine could be animal derived.

    Some wines/beers/spirits are ok and some are not because of their purification processes.

    Really, you just have to find out if what you want to purchase or use (be it food or not) is vegan by getting online and doing some research. The non-vegan ingredient lists can be large.

  3. Can't wear leather

    Can't feed your dog or cat any animal products

    Can't eat sugar (it is processed by using bone-char, which is an animal product)

    Can't eat honey, eggs, milk or cheese

    Can't keep your dog on a leash

    Can't step on bugs

    Can't eat skittles (made using gelatin)

    Can't use some food colorings (made from bugs)

    Can't kiss a meat eater

    Can't wear makeup or use shampoo that was tested on animals

    Can't use soaps that contain lye (animal product)

    Can't eat a Garden Burger that was cooked on the same grill that a hamburger was cooked on

    Can't wear fur coats

    Can't eat products that contain whey

    Can't eat some curries (made using shrimp base)

    Edit:  Why do all the vegetarians on yahoo! answers hate me?  I've been vegan for over 20 years!

  4. A vegetarian or vegan CAN do whatever they like.

    However, the term 'vegetarian' only applies to someone who eats NO meat (including chicken and seafood). When I was a vegetarian, what was were it stopped for me, but after doing research I realised it's unreasonable to eat anything with gelitine (animal ligaments and hooves) and glycerine (animal fat), as well as a few other products that are a direct product of the slaughter industry.

    I respect you for wanting to be true to your vegetarian status!

  5. None. A vegetarian can do anything they want.

    It's a matter of "want", not "can't". It's a personal choice, and I believe no one should judge others based on their beliefs.

    I'm a recently turned vegan after watching EARTHLINGS ( ), but that doesn't mean I can tell others that they're not "true" vegetarians just because they eat cheese, for example.

    Everyone is different, and I believe that every single step in improving one's health, the environment, and animal welfare is beneficial to them. We should all embrace and congratulate , not condemn and ridicule.

    That said, here are the different vegetarian types ( ) :

    - Lacto-ovo-vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the common type of vegetarians.

    - Ovo vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats all egg products but no dairy.

    - Lacto vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats all dairy products but no eggs.

    - Vegan:

    A vegetarian who does not eat any animal products. Some vegans even do not use animal products such as wool, leather shoes, belt, & jacket, honey. Also called Pure Vegetarian or Strict Vegetarian.

    - Raw vegan:

    A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). “Raw foodists” believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body.

  6. Betty, I don't know you.

    I don't like your list of "can'ts" though.  It makes it sound like our lifestyle is a "restiction."

    I also disagree about the feeding of our pets.  I am a vegan, but my cat is not.  My veterinarian says cats are carnivores, not even omnivores.  Dogs can be vegetarians, but I personally have a bad experience with this.  My dog developed cancer and the vet thought the estrogen from the soy might have been a factor.

  7. I've been on Yahoo Answers for about 10mins and I'm appalled at the complete lack of thought put into posts.

    Ask yourself WHY you are veggie. Is it because you don't want to harm the animals, kill the animals, harm the environments, harm your body etc

    Then just think about what you are comfortable with.

    But at the very least to qualify for a veggie you must not eat any meat - and by meat I mean "anything that used to be apart of a living being with a face" in lamest terms.

    So you can eat eggs, you can use leather, but it is a little hypocritical unless it's second hand etc.

  8. wow if you were toto really make being a vegetarian the center of your life we all might have to sit in bubbles because so many things we dont even realize have animals used in them all i know is im a lot more chill then some strict vegetarians as long as i dont wear leather fur or wool and ethical where i can control it then im decent i think

  9. Vegetarians can consume eggs or milk.  They cannot consume any kind of meat including chicken and fish.  Your right.  Gelatin is not vegetarian.  Other than that there really isn't anything else.

    You just have to watch that your food doesn't say "contains natural flavor".  That natural flavor could be derived from animals.  Also you have to make sure your cheese doesn't contain animal renit.  Renit is a product scraped from a baby cow's stomach.  The packages usually say renit, but don't say what kind of renit.  You have to call the company or find a list of acceptable vegetarian cheeses on the internet.

    I actually find it easier to be vegan.  Some people think it's harder, but I think it is easier.  I drink soy milk, eat soy cheese, and eat soy or rice ice cream.  I replace eggs in recipes with applesauce or cornstarch.

    I hope that helped.

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