
What are things that rats can eat?

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i mean i no thay can eat rat mix and fruit and died fruit but what things that they can eat as treats. or healthy stuff




  1. Sunflower seeds,peanuts,Cheerios,apple slices,bread,etc.

  2. mine like gummy bears and dots

  3. you can buy special rodent food, and when i raised rats i fed them cereal and bread

  4. Dont give them sweets or chocolate or anything junk foody, anything else is fine though, the rat mixes at pet shops are often filled with pesticides and so I buy rat mix and combine it with seeds, nuts, cereal, rolled oats, coconut etc etc from the bulk bins at the supermarket or health food shop and then I give them a biggish piece of fruit or vege at night. for a treat I sometimes give them stuff from meals or things I'm eating like yoghurt, egg (usually boiled), a piece of cooked fish or meat, a sip of warm milk (not too much), plain pasta or rice etc etc.Anything that is healthy and you eat is fine, dont give anything too fatty or anything processed

  5. As a general rule, anything NOT in the "never" section of this list is safe for your rats to eat - IN MODERATION. No junk food (overweight rats are more prone to tumours), nothing very salty (salt isn't exactly healthy for humans in excess, and rats are a great deal smaller: it stands to reason that their lower body mass = less salt - or chemicals/additives - needed to make a rat VERY sick) and most importantly, if you wouldn't want to eat it (because it's fermented, rotten or mouldy), DO NOT feed it to your rats!

  6. treats should always be in moderation but here are a few ideas to vary your rat's diet

    yogurt drops, corn, bread, a little bit of cheese, bread sticks, tomatoes, lettuce, yogurt, biscuit (tiny piece!) and cereals

    hope this helps :)

  7. sweet vegetables (carrots, corn, sugar snap peas, sweet bell peppers etc) and fruit.  It all depends on the personal preference of your pet.  If you only offer them healthy treats they will only know healthy treats and like them.  Anything different from rodent pellets has to be exciting.

  8. wow, there is a LONG list of things!

    They can eat basicaly anything.

    Chocolate chips(just a little bit!)


    apple sause(my ra LOVED it!)


    peanut butter


    bread sticks




    just anything you find around the house. But what ever you do, make sure you DONT feed them oranges. Its very bad for them

  9. mine just love chicken bones----high on the list of delicious ---one will scamper around the cage with it's prize while the others give chase. Also love fruit, bananas, snails all things that humans like but need to watch the diet as also prone to weight problems if too many calories consumed

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