
What are things to blame society on?

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What are things to blame society on?




  1. If I understand your question, you are asking what are some problems that we can blame society for.  Just off the top of my head, I think we can blame society for maintaining and often promoting the belief/use of harmful stereotypes.  (By society, I mean in America).

  2. I am not sure I understand your question,  what can we blame on our society or do you mean, blame the state of our society on?

  3. Don't blame society blame the government!!!

  4. I believe we can blame early civilizations for creating the essence of value and societies through out the ages for keeping this idea alive. Of course if we did not value things our society would not evolve because since we value things we want to make things better than another persons.

  5. The individuals that live in it?  the ruling classes which run it?  the rich business men that own it?

    Hmm, maybe Marx had a point?

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