
What are things you can do randomly that boost your spirit?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anything cool you can do to help make you really happy temporarily? Something to boost your mood maybe?




  1. Drugs......just kidding!  Eat a peice of chocolate cake!

  2. Music.

    Either funny, meaningful or good to dance to, and LOUD. It helps me feel a different mood than down.

  3. Repeat awesome and positive affirmations about yourself.  When you feel down, feed your mind and spirit with positive thoughts and words.

    Do not meditate on negative thoughts.  You can replace them with good stuff. Life is what you make it so make it about good and not evil. You can do your part in this world. You do have to make choices in your thought life as well as in your everyday errands or obligations.

    Choose today how you will react in a negative situation. Make the choice how you will behave because of who you are and what you are about.. Read good affirmations and happy stories. You can't prevent the low thoughts but you can choose to replace them immediately with positive thoughts.

    I have a personalized book that has your name throughout the book that is full of affirmations about just you..It is a great tool to keep with you at all times.  Some young professional athletes use this to encourage them and give them power over negative thinking. Do all you can to feed on positive materials.. Learn exactly who you are and who you want to become and set you mind to doing just that.  You can do it for YOURSELF... You can see this book at the site below.  You can fill out the first page and then see your own book before you buy...It's great and I love mine. It will boost your spirits as you read daily affirmations about YOU !!! Has a journal in the back of the book also.

  4. LOVE

    get a haircut

    walk barefoot

    go to the beach

    have a tequila

    kiss a strager

    hug a stranger

    smoke a joint

    listen to bob marley

    drink a coca cola

    dance like a crazy person


    sing in the shower

    watch a comedy

    travel to nicaragua

    eat a happy meal

    climb a tree


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