
What are things you need for a beach clean up?

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I want to know what to bring.




  1. garbage bags do not clean jack they just fill the landfill you can pick up the recycleables sort it out it does not count as clean up if you fill the land fill were are you going to put the tires were are you going to put the scrap metal dead fish dont belong in the landfill were will you put fire wood were will you put the cut wood you can build things out of some snags and structure are good but when it straight up smells like do do and you can dig 6 feet deep into industrial and sewage sludge it should have an earthy scent and running a huge mechanical sifter and making a pile ripping all the costal wetland plants out and making it look like some fake post card that is not a beach clean up i enjoy wildflowers bushes and trees on the beaches i go to not car parts and jagged metal you can cut your guts on and not 55 gallon drums that are corroded away that had who knows what when the water has such a problem that it does not circulate and you can urinate harder than what is comeing thru there and people add chemicals to the water to play god with it and it poisions my beer my pop my swimming water my showers and my fresh water and does not discriminate what it kills that is not a beach clean up but you will need a good ammount of gloves and good shoes boots or waders and you really must not mind gitting really nasty if your to improve the present condition of our waters it controls the hydro dams it controls the flood water you can pick it all up and some jack hole has to come right behind you and mess it all up again you have to bring the willing ness that you know your improving the fishing and you might improve the water clarity and it the fish and wildlife and some of the neibors dont care than who will do it you will need buckets wheel barrels kyacks row boats maybee even heavy machinery dollys maybee some safety vests long pants heavy shirts this is not a one time deal and your not going to be able to do it over night its sad when i go to other towns on vacation and i can come back with my arms loaded and am overwelmed on all the recycleables that i find what should look like a paradise is a place for people to throw there krap cause you will find couches tourqe converters rear ends of cars engines rebar and other stuff you can identify only to know it does not occur naturally and was make by man then you have to set aside the poisions you find and take them all to the poision drive you will easily find 30 tires in the water no problem and i think its funny when i hear that the citizens are upset and people want to use our water for there uses and there is times there is warnings you cant even touch the fishing line or swim you want to drink that and if you even think your sober you weigh out the option that there is dope in the water detergents and who and the heck knows what else hope that this helps im so glad you asked

  2. If you are participating in an organized cleanup, you will probably be provided with everything you need. All I would bring is a rake, pitchfork, or something else that makes pick-up easier. I usually bring Pilstrom tongs but that's hardly practical for most people. Stout shoes are also a must. Dress for the weather too. It doesn't stop raining because there is a cleanup.

    If you are organizing the cleanup, you have to provide heavy gloves (I prefer leather to rubber), bags, and a means of disposal of the refuse (usually, the municipality). It also helps to have an incentive for the participants. Post-cleanup picnics and t-shirts are popular. You can often get local businesses to pick up the tab or donate supplies. One very important thing is the publicity. Notify the media in enough time for them to publicize the event. Don't forget a press release after the cleanup, preferably with photos.

  3. garbage bags


    pointy stick thingy with which to pick trash up


    remember to sort the trash to see if you can find recyclables

  4. rubber gloves, closed toe shoes, garbage bags, rags, disinfectant...

  5. Plastic bags- they're available at supermarket check-outs by the million. Some misguided folk use plastic rubbish bags that they actually buy from the same supermarkets- either way you end up with heaps of plastic bags- so what do you do with them then?

  6. A trash bag and sunscreen

  7. most important thing is a dirty beach

  8. First, thanks for making  a difference!  I've done a few organized beach clean-ups and normally a non-profit took care of all the supplies.

    If this is something you are doing with a few friends, make sure you have what others here have already suggested:  heavy-duty plastic bags, closed-toe shoes, heavy rubber gloves, and some water!  Hanging out at the beach will definitely make you thirsty.  Also pack sunscreen.

    If a non-prof is doing this, they will take care of the bag pick-up.  If you are doing this on a public beach the city may actually take the bags from you, maybe even provide you with the bags.

    I do a lot of trail trash pick-up here along my hiking trails.  In fact, I never go hiking without a few plastic bags in my backpack, and I make it a habit to always take out a bag of trash from the forest.  Our hiking trails here are heavily littered with trash by the border crossers (I live eight miles north of the Mexican border in AZ).

    Again, thanks for helping to keep Ma Earth cleaner.  Have fun and stay hydrated!

  9. First bring as many of your friends as you can get. Next brings garbage bags, rubber gloves, disinfectant, and lots of energy.

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