
What are things you should know when building a skateboard??

by Guest34407  |  earlier

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stuff like risers being for more pop

soft wheels for rougher surface

.. stuff like that i guess.




  1. k um make sure the trucks are the same width as the board. and dont get risers. get harder wheels for tricks. and ya

  2. 4 wheels, piece of wood, use nails, aim them upwards

  3. make sure the board you're riding isn't made from plywood

  4. Its been years when skateboards were popular. What do you mean by "building" a skateboard? Dont people just buy them?

    15 years ago, the biggest choice were how good the quality was of the materials and bearings.

  5. Wheels make you roll. LOL :D

  6. how to use a s***w driver.

  7. bigger - faster

    wider - more stable, longer turns

    shorter - less stable, faster turns

    trucks - lows for street, mid and highs for ramp

    bearings - bones only

    wheel - brand doesnt matter

    deck - 7.5 for size 7 shoe 8+ 10 or high

    me - best answer :D

  8. Biggest mistake made when building your own skateboard- not being careful enough when balancing it. It needs to be balanced both front to back and side to side, and if it's slightly off then the skateboard's alignment will be off as well, making it difficult to control.

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