
What are third year engineering students asked to do in coop ?

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Im in second year,about to go into third for the fall and the idea of co-op is kinda freaky.I had a lecturer once that said while doctors kill people one at a time,engineers can be mass murderers.

What kind of projects calculations and physical work do engineering students do in coop after third year?




  1. I agree with the first guy. They know you are not an engineer yet and they will not let you control too much or s***w anything up. Good luck.

  2. Relax. You won't have the chance to really s***w stuff up until after you graduate.

    That said, you'll probably end up researching mundane topics, reviewing drawings (but not the final review), etc. I don't think you'll do many calculations.

  3. It all depends on your company but if you are asked to design something, they'll most likely put you on a tight leash that you would have to get your design reviewed by one of the engineers.  Just think of the co op as a learning experience, it will be really beneficial.

  4. Don't expect to actually design something. You will analyze drawings and find out dimensions and other specifications. Nothing much.  

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