
What are those Giant Black Chickens called?

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Ive see them in a zoo, There every bit as big as the biggest tom turkey you'll ever find!!! There not Jersey Giants...way way way bigger!!! I have done research and have found nothing...Im really not crazy...I saw a giant chicken!




  1. hippos! :)))))

  2. Jersy Giants are the largest by weight but you may have seen Orpingtons or Cochins. If they were in a zoo they may have been some other type of fowl though.

  3. The Orpington Chicken is a large bird from the English class of chickens. It is a bold, upright breed with a wide chest, broad back and smallish head and tail.The Orpington chicken was bred as a dual-purpose breed (meat production and eggs), but its popularity grew as a show bird rather than a utility breed.Their large size and soft appearance together with their rich colour and gentle contours make them very attractive.

  4. They are called Black Giants I used to raise them. They are huge! They're not really hard to find call your local agricultural agent and he or she can steer you to a poultry association.

  5. cows?

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