
What are those clear braces that can fix your teeth called and how much do they usually cost?

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What are those clear braces that can fix your teeth called and how much do they usually cost?




  1. I've been told that Invisalign costs about twice as much as regular braces. You get a set of clear plastic covers for your teeth that you change into as your teeth are being straightened. It's not for everyone, though. It's mainly intended for people who only have mildly crooked teeth.

  2. Do you mean Invisalign? They cost a little more than braces, but if you have insurance, they should be able to cover some.

  3. they are called invisalign and i got them after i got my braces off as retainers and they were $100 a set. a lot of places wont let you get them unless you get braces first though

  4. Clear braces are known as invisalign. Invisible braces are costly, they may cost around $3000 to $5000 depending on the complexity of your case and the dentist you choose. They are comfortable and easy to handle. Read all about invisible braces, use the link

    Just try those invisible braces, they will worth you a beautiful smile...

  5. um....invisalign is the alternative to braces. they are clear and removable. i believe they are pretty pricy. good luck!

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