
What are those little wormy things that come out of a dead house fly?

by  |  earlier

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my brother recently swatted a black house fly then we were looking at it's big eyes then i noticed this little worm thing come out of the body. and then like two minutes later, a whole bunch just squirm out and they're all moving! they look sick, WHAT ARE THEY???




  1. If the fly had been dead for a day or so, they are likely maggots, the larval stage of the fly lifecycle just past the egg.  If the fly was just swatted, it might be parasites infesting the fly.  The reference lists some candidates.

  2. maggets maybe if they are white

  3. ewww they are probably larva kill them quickly ewww

  4. Yeah, I think Sierra is maggots. Not sure how a housefly lays its babies on dead things. If the maggots are live-born or if they are eggs and then hatch into maggots. Either way they are probably maggots.

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