
What are those pills that you put in water, to make it drinkable?

by  |  earlier

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Hard-core campers use them, adventure racers, people living out in the bush,..ect. ......AND NOT THE ONES YOU THINK!!! you bunch of druggies!!! lol....

They're pills your put in water to make it drinkable. what are the pills called?




  1. pills of potassium permanganate

  2. halzone, get at the sporting goods store not the pharmacy.

  3. A good brand is Puritab, Aquatab are cheaper but less effective (both contain the same purifying ingredient) - however many armed forces actually use the Aquatab pills as they feel the Puritab ones have too much active ingredient

  4. It must be Iodide tablets, which replaced iodine tablets. Some campers are using a battery (2 AA) powered ultraviolet light. Some people use drops of chlorine. Chlorine is cheap, if it leaks it will ruin clothes. The iodide tablets are portable, they react to light and can kill the good bacteria in your stomach. I don't know much about the ultraviolet lights, people using them, seem to be satisfied. There is also a product called aqua mira where two separate chemicals are mixed together and added to drinking water,  people using aqua mira seem to be satisfied.

  5. You can get them at Walmart in the camping section, they are "potable water" tabs.

  6. Try an army navy surplus store or a sporting goods store. You can also use 1 table spoon of Clorox to 1 gallon of water.

  7. They used to use 'quinine' tablets.  I don't know if they still do.

    Some added (maybe useless) information: My brother uses high strength 'Hydrogen Peroxide' from swimming pool suppliers (food grade), but it's in a liquid form.  He swears by it.  He plays around in the South American jungles, a lot,  and always returns alive, so I guess it works.

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