
What are those "win the lottery" systems about?

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What principles do they use? Are they a total scam?




  1. as they charge for their "system ", then, no matter what result occurs, THEY  have certainly won, haven't they ?....if you consider the almost unbelievably huge randomness factor,  attempting to predict the result of 6-8 balls reliably falling in a certain  " predictable "  pattern, borders on the unimaginable......about one chance in 37,000,000.....roughly the same odds you have in using, say, queen nefertiti's children's birthdays as a  source of a winning system. your personal chance of winning is equally remote.....simply multiplying the number of tickets sold by the number of possible combinations of 6-8 numbers occuring in a pattern that matches the pattern of your selected numbers will give some idea off the "odds " ÿou are dealing with.  tho', no doubt, they quote computing power as their system source,   remember that I.B.M's "deep-blue " could not regularly beat  kasparof in a game with far less random factors involved.

  2. The ones I've looked at do a statistical analysis of the numbers that have been coming up. There is a certain amount of logic to it. A small imperfection on the ball will cause air to flow differently around it. This might cause the number to rise to the top or fall to the bottom more often.

    Will it give you and edge? Maybe a slight one, unless the set of balls is replaced or changed. If they guarantee you a win I guarantee they are a scam. It might get you a couple of extra numbers in a number of drawings.

  3. I'm not sure what principles they use but lets look at it this way, if they used any principles that worked then the lotteries would be out of business.  Lotteries run on chance and if someone had harnessed a way to predict chance then I'm sure that people would be using it on the stock market, not lotteries.

    With that being the case I'm sure it's a scam since they are the only ones making any money.

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