
What are those small flying insects called when you have fruits?

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they keep coming!!!! i want to know the name of that specie... its really small and can fly and there always seems to be a whole lot of them. Most to be found when having remains of food or fruits around




  1. Fruit flies?? I don't know what they are called but I do know an easy way to get rid of them using apple cider vinegar and dish liquid. In case that is your goal: Fill a shallow bowl with an inch or 2 of apple cider vinegar. Add a drop or two of dish detergent. Cover tightly with plastic wrap. Make very small holes in the wrap for them to crawl through. The sweet smell attracts them. The detergent does something with the surface tension and they fall in the liquid. The plastic wrap keeps them in until they fall through the surface tension.

  2. nats...or fruit flies.

    i hate them BOTH!

  3. This mealybug is primarily a pest of pineapple and other bromeliads, however it will also infest Annona (cherimoya, atemoya, sugarapple), banana, celery, Citrus, coffee, cotton, Euphorbia, Gliricidia, Hibiscus, Hilo grass, mulberry, Natal soursop, nutgrass, orchid pineapple and Straussia. -Aka "Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell)"

  4. nice question

  5. fruit flies

  6. flying insect name is "been".

  7. Some people call them Fruit Flys, some call them Gnats

  8. fruit flys?

    or gnats? It's spelled gnats -- not nots

  9. about "fruit flys"

  10. they are called nats. the annoying little buggers

  11. fruit flies....if you leave a small amount of cider viniger in a cup they will be drawn to it and will die.

  12. gnats.. i don't think they are fruit flies cause fruit flies are big like actual flies.

  13. You mean those b*stard ones that live in compost and emerge to chew on my plants?

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