
What are those white balls that I keep spitting up?

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I know this is gross but I really need to know. My sister and brother have been spitting up these white balls from their throught, and have a foul smell now I am starting to have them, what are they?




  1. tonsil stones. gross, i know.

  2. Tonsil stones could signify the presence of tonsilitis or strep throat. But, they could also mean that your tonsils are working just fine.

    I had a sore throat once and got tonsil stones. I have a history of strep throat and that's what I thought it was. When I went to the doctor, they swabbed my tonsils and did a culture on them. But, it turned out to not be anything.

    When I asked the doctor about the stones, she said that they are made up of bacteria, dead skin cells, dirt, etc., and it's the result of the tonsils doing what they're supposed to do: clear bacteria out of your throat.

    If you have pain and swelling associated with the stones, go see a doctor. If it's strep throat, that can be deadly without proper treatment (antibiotics). If it's just a sore throat, you can then treat it with ibuprofen or aceteminophen.

  3. They are tonsil stones. Its normal and usually will be outgrown by adult age in most cases. Everyone gets them and you mostly will swallow them in your sleep without even knowing. It comes from the pits in your tonsils, its just a bacteria colony. Smoking and drinking alcohol can increase the amount of stones too.

    I had tonsil stones very bad.. if it becomes painful like mine did you may need your tonsils out, but my Dr told me its very rare that happens. If you're not having a painful or "full" pressure-like feeling in the tonsils then its probably just a normal stone.

  4. fur balls or dustbunnies

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