
What are those white/clear floatie objects floating around in my water?

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I always bring a bottle of Ozarka water to work with me, and I refill it at our water cooler. I know the floaties are coming from the bottled water out of the water cooler. Should I be concerned? They look kinda gross! I can see them best when I hold my bottle up to the light.




  1. it could be parts of the plastic --- if the bottle is heated or frozen. They are very bad for you (carcinogenic) if that is what it is

  2. That is leftover bacteria from your water bottle. The more you re-use that bottlle, the more bacteria you will get. This appears from the germs in your backwash (even though you think you dont leave any, everyone does.) It can be really unhealthy to re-use a plastic water bottle. you should recycle it and buy a real water bottle that you can wash after every use. stop drinking water out of the same bottle!

  3. Its Uranium we have so much that the government hides it in water

  4. this may sound gross but-

    are you sure its not pieces of leftover food that were stuck in your teeth then came loose into your water bottle?

    If your sure its not then maybe it is bacteria or something is wrong will the dispenser and you should tell someone- it could be unhealthy. Plus- its totally gross having floaters in your water!!

  5. calcium build up :D

  6. you sure that's not your eyes. cause you can actually see your white blood cells flowing through you eye, well the back of it. given the right lighting and solid or clear back ground. just a thought

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