
What are three conflicts in the monkeys paw?

by Guest56432  |  earlier

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  1. The niggest conflict arises when the mother relaizes that the money she got was a result of her son's death. At that point she has to decide whether to give up her dreams of wealth and try to get her son back again.

    There is also the conflict between the mother and father as to whether to even try to undo what they had done.

    There is also the conflict in the father's mind as to whether to make his mangled son stay alive or to just go away in peace.

  2. I remember the 3 wishes.

    1. for a lot of money (the wishers son died and they got his insurance)

    2. to bring the son back from the dead

    3. to have the son dead again (since he was still screwed up from the fatal accident)

  3. JayBug has it all correct~

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