
What are three different radioisotopes. and the difference in them?

by Guest32252  |  earlier

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explain each radioisotope




  1. A naturally or artificially produced radioactive isotope of an element.

    Sci-Tech Encyclopedia: Radioisotope

    A very wide variety of radioisotopes are produced in particle accelerators, such as the cyclotron. Charged particles, such as deuterons (D+) and protons (H+), are accelerated to great speeds by high-voltage electrical fields and allowed to strike targets in which nuclear reactions take place; for example, proton in, neutron out (p,n), increasing the target-atom atomic number by one without changing the atomic mass; and deuteron in, proton out (d,p), increasing the atomic mass by one without changing the atomic number.

    Dental Dictionary: radioisotope

    A chemical element that has been made radioactive through bombardment of neutrons in a cyclotron or atomic pile or found in a natural state.

    Columbia Encyclopedia: radioactive isotope

    or radioisotope, natural or artificially created isotope of a chemical element having an unstable nucleus that decays, emitting alpha, beta, or gamma rays until stability is reached. The stable end product is a nonradioactive isotope of another element, i.e., radium-226 decays finally to lead-206. Very careful measurements show that many materials contain traces of radioactive isotopes. For a time it was thought that these materials were all members of the actinide series; however, exacting radiochemical research has demonstrated that certain of the light elements also have naturally occurring isotopes that are radioactive.

    Veterinary Dictionary: radioisotope

    A radioactive form of an element. A radioisotope consists of unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay emitting alpha, beta or gamma radiation. Radioisotopes occur naturally, as in the cases of radium and uranium, or may be created artificially. See also radionuclide.

    Artificial radioisotopes are created by bombarding stable atoms of an element with subatomic particles in a nuclear reactor or in an atom smasher, or cyclotron. When the nucleus of a stable atom is charged by bombarding particles, the atom usually becomes unstable, or radioactive, and is said to be ‘labeled’ or ‘tagged’.

  2. The WORD you are looking for is "nuclear."

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