
What are three ocean water challenges and three Freshwater Resource Challenges?

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What are three ocean water challenges and three Freshwater Resource Challenges?




  1. Both:

    Invasive Species disrupt natural ecosystems often devastating aquatic organisms.


    1) Arsenic Contamination

    Arsenic naturally mobilized in sediments in Bangladesh have contributed to arsenic poisoning in lots of people. It is caused by fertilizers and wastewater.

    2) Privatization

    Water privatization in many parts of the world have limited many people access to clean water and taken over indigenous water rights and management resulting in loss of local self governance.

    3) Damming

    This one is more of a controversy on the one hand clean power, on the other hand disturbance of the natural flow regime.


    1) Dead Zones

    Fertilizers in places like the great plains run down the Mississippi River and many others producing algal blooms at the mouth of the oceans. Algal blooms respirate and die producing areas of low dissolved oxygen killing many aquatic organisms.

    2) Plastic Pollution

    There is an area in the Pacific Ocean where there is literally an ocean of plastic.

    3) Mercury Contamination

    Mercury works its way up the food chain to reach lethal levels in many apex predators such as tuna.

    You are going to have to look these up to find this stuff out in detail but this might give you an idea of some issues. I just don't have the time right now and you'll get more out of it doing it yourself.

    *If you're in SCI275 with Instructor Azimi, you should rearrange this, because where in the same class. I don't want it to look like we cheated or something.

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