
What are three of your pet peeves on the road?

by  |  earlier

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Pot holes? People using there cell phones?? nothing??




  1. 1. No signals.

    2. Driving in the left lane slow.

    3. Running a stop sign and pulling out in front of you.

  2. 1. Self absorbed drivers that think they're the only ones on the road. You know, the ones that cause the accidents but are not involved in them.

    2. People that disregard obvious acts of courtesy. Ladies(mostly), is a nod or a wave too much to ask?

    3. People that disregard the laws of physics. Ok, there's an 18 wheeler 3 car lengths behind you... fully loaded that's 80,000lbs. Do you think he's going to stop on a dime?

  3. Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers, Casino buses.

  4. 1. People who tailgate, then when I warn them with a brake tap, tailgate closer and flash their high-beams.

    2. When a long traffic light causes traffic on an off-ramp to be backed up right to the highway, and people come to a complete stop on the otherwise open freeway... especially when theres a perfectly good shoulder to stop on.

    3. Anyone who does not maintain at least the speed limit on the freeway (you're causing congestion! Maybe not in that immediate spot, but 5 km back cars are congested because of you!) (trucks and heavily loaded trailers excepted).

  5. 1-2-and 3 the fact that Americans don't drive as well as other countries they don't consider the left lane the "fast" lane, they get pissed of when you pass them on a small street that you can legally overtake in, they do not give way to faster traffic unless you really push them and put on your high beams.

  6. People who find it necessary to pass you, then go sooooo slow in front of you. Then, they glare at you for passing them back.

  7. push bikers on sundays ( racing in packs all over the road )

    cops on mobile phones

    young kids in big posh cars ( mummy got me this )

  8. 1-Mobile phones

    2-Audi drivers

    3-Little Renault & Peugeot  drivers

  9. 1. merging on a highway at full speed & not yielding to passing traffic.

    2. people turning without turn signals.

    3. people going 20 mph in a 35+ mph zone

  10. 1. Drivers in the left lane that pace the driver in the right lane instead of passing them thus causing a rolling road block.

    2. Drivers that drive 20 MPH under the posted speed limit on a two lane highway(one lane in each direction).

    3. Drivers that pull out right in front of you and drive way below the posted speed limit when there is no one behind you.

    I know you said three but here is one more:

    4. Drivers that tailgate me when I am doing 45 MPH in a 45 MPH zone.

  11. Nothing. My pet peeve is getting a frickin play-by-play at work courtesy of someone who wants to regale me with tales of their hellish commute and all the people who made him mad. The rule is, if you can't run the highways with the big dogs, ride the bus with the other puppies.

  12. 1) Stereos that thump so loudly I think I'm having a heart attack until I realize it's the car next to me.

    2) Old cars, jacked up to make room for bling-bling rims and low profile tires that come to a near dead stop to cross railroad tracks.

    3) Friends that know I'm driving and incessantly call me to see when I'll be there. (GAAH! Calling me isn't going to make me get there any faster! I said I'd call from X-point to let you know where I am, you know where it is, you know how long it takes, I've not reached that point yet or already called to tell you I've passed it.)

    4) People too self absorbed to look out the windows or windshield and like to get jiggy with the horn. (A visit to the 'rents had a woman yapping on her phone, honking at me to go before the light I was stopped at had changed. Surprisingly, she was going to a nail parlor around the corner.)

    5) Drivers that won't carry insurance. (Still in a massive legal battle with Hertz.)

    6) People that won't maintain their automobiles.

    7) People that stop on freeway entrances and in clover leaf entrances.

    8) Driver's that won't dim their lights when behind another driver. (Toyed with the idea of mounting flashcubes on the rear bumper.)

    9) Panhandlers that decide that since I'm in an open vehicle, (convertible, topless Jeep,) they have a right to simply walk up and demand my pocket change at a light.

    10) People that don't understand the concept that it is legal to turn right on red in many places, unles otherwise posted, it is legal to turn right on red. (Left in the UK if it's posted as a "free turn.")

    11) People that believe they should be able to turn from the center lane of a 3 lane road if there's not a designated turning lane.

    12) Cyclists. Anyone who preaches that bicycles are vehicles too, needs to remember that all laws apply to them and posing a hazard to traffic by moving slower than mollases at Christmastime and not stopping for stop signs isn't legal doesn't need to be on public streets.

    13) Road rage. As many times as I've been chased by someone who wanted to fight, there's a reason I never let the tank get below half.

    14) Cruise control wars. Have you ever been on an interstate when two old gorgons in "econoboxes" refused to let anyone pass because neither was going to slow down or bump up the cruise control?

    15) Accelerators. These are people that, when on an interstate, accelerate to keep the vehicle that just attempted to pass them from getting back to the right lane.

    16) Shoulder nuts. The people that think they should be allowed to rip down the shoulder when traffic slows down.

    17) Superman cops. These are the traffic enforcement officers that simply step out into traffic to pull over a traffic offender or won't let them get to a safe place to pull over.

    18) Driver's that have no idea how to drive in anything but good weather. (I swear, everyone was surprised that I owned snow chains. Given the number of northerners moving here, you'd think more would have them.)

    I realize I've exceeded the limits of your request by 6 times, but this was just too good of a chance to get it out of my system.


  13. #1- Driving slowly in the fast lane- GET OVER!

    #2- Not using your turn signal until AFTER you start breaking-  The turn signal lets the person behing you know that you will  be slowing down. Use it.

    #3- General ignorance on the road.

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