
What are three or four ideas you have about France and the French??

by Guest56841  |  earlier

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What are three or four ideas you have about France and the French??




  1. je mappele Claude

  2. 1. France is America's first ally without whose aid the United States would not exist.

    2. The French strike a better balance between the aesthetic/intellectual and the material than most Americans.

    3. The French value logic and analysis.

    4. The French tend not to be risk takers.

  3. i have studied the french language in school for over 4 years and the culture comes with the class. so i think most of my ideas are correct. here are some basic ones:

    * they talk super fast! but we probably do to them too!!

    * they try to preserve their culture by making sure there is only a certain percentage of american music on the radio

    * they buy their groceries everyday like bread and meat and cheese to make sure they're fresh. since their food isn't full of preservatives like ours are

    * they have a different room for the toilet than the shower!

  4. Well I had never met a French person, all I had to go on was from pop culture cliches.  Then I met a french foreign exchange student in a creative writing class.  She had dark hair and smoked cigarettes and asked me if I wanted to hang out at a local underground bar, she was cliche, cute though!  

  5. -They are openly rude to americans

    -They are pansys

    -The whole women and shaving thing


  6. 1. They drink wine with meals because their water is polluted.

    2. They haven't been good soldiers in a very long time.

    3. They are possibly the most pretentious people on earth.

    4. They possess a great deal of fine historic architecture.  

  7. Most of the opinions posted on here are bigoted ones that the government has force fed to Americans via Fox news. News flash people, our government isn't exactly full of the best people. Did it ever occur to you that we're actually the ones in the wrong? I respect the French for their neutrality in the Iraq war.

    As well veronicamars...the one about the toilet isn't really true.

    1. They have a much superior health care and education system.

    2. They are friendly people who are open to helping you, IF you make the effort to prove them wrong about Americans. They think just as badly of us, as many Americans do of them.

    3. They don't really all adore frog legs or snails, just as not all Americans love corn dogs and beer nuts.

  8. French baguettes

    French kisses

    Paris (Eiffl Towr)

    that kid movie... Ratatouille, was it?

    one of my best friends is French

  9. their wussies

    they're always neutral

    they smell bad

    that freakin tower is overrated

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