
What are three or four simple and inexpenives tools would be a good start for paranormal investigators ?

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Mostly for ghost hunting.




  1. tape recorder for EVP

    EMF recorder

    Infrared camera

    cam corder

  2. I also use a hunter's camera, you can get film or digital. It can be strapped to a tree or placed on furniture. When movement is detected, it takes a photo, you can change the settings for how many pictures and how many seconds between snapshots. I bought it for $60

    I also have a motion sensor that is intended for driveways, but it has a laser beam and when anything crosses it, an alarm goes off. The unit that houses the alarm is separate, so you can keep it close by. I think it was $15 at wal-mart

    A set of baby monitors is also useful.

  3. Here's all of it at the best prices from the same place.

    Good luck!

  4. The above poster had good suggestions.  I've been using a compass for years, and bought mine at WalMart for under $5.  

    Any recording device will work for evp's.  My son got a great one using the recorder on his cell phone.

    Dowsing rods can be made from an ordinary hanger.  Mine are 9 inches long; 3 inches for the handle and 6 inches for the rod.  Hold them loosely in your hands in front of you and simply walk the place you're investigating.  If the rods cross, it may signal paranormal activity.  I've been very successful with mine.

    I disagree on the digital camera.  The nature of digital cameras are that if there is a speck of dust floating by, the camera will want to make it into 'something', usually an orb.  There is so much controversy over orbs not being evidence of ghosts.  I use the digital for comparison shots or simply for shots of the area.  I grab a cheapie disposable camera from the drug store for the rest of the investigation.   Tell them to develop ALL the photos when you drop it off.

    The best thing to bring to an investigation is common sense and an open mind.  

  5. check out this site. it might be expensive but will give you an idea of where to start.

    Simple things. Camera,  recorder (not voice activated)

    compus,  Notebook- never make any judgment until all facts are collected and analyzed.

    Go in to the study not believeing- then you will make a choice to not jump in to assumptions because of some exciting unexplained activity.

  6. 1) Notepad and pen - for recording your observations and making notes of relevant facts.

    2) flashlight and batteries - well... we work in the dark...

    3) compass - laypersons EMF detector. Changes in magnetic fields will show on these.

    4) camera - most expensive of the bunch, but digital cameras of decent quality can be found for under $100 US and every investigator needs at least one way of recording objective evidence.

  7. a pencil, a notepad,a camera and a recorder.

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