
What are three symbols you could draw that would describe you?

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Give an explanation for each symbol that goes beyond surface meaning.




  1. I am not going to explain, it's too personal for me to say it on the internet.

    A cigar, smoke and the sun.

  2. Hmm, three symbols, well the first is easy, my name is Raven, so of course, I choose a cute, but LOUD black bird.

    Another symbol would probably be the Apple's "Apple" logo. Since I am a graphic designer, I love everything about Macs. Whenever I get my car, I'm going to stick the "apple" decal on the back of my back window. :)

    I wouldn't have to draw it, I would just use Adobe Illustrator.

    And the third symbol would be either a pen or paintbrush because I'm an artist and art is my life.

  3. _________ - Because I'm straightedge,

    i don't drink smoke or do drugs

    ♫- because music is my life

    ♥- because i love like theres no tomorrow

  4. Hey Sheena,


    Interesting question!

    I would draw...

    a Chameleon

    Air -- I have a light attitude in general.

    Greed -- I tend to be greedy when things look upward.

    Patience -- I am very patient.

    Hoped I helped


    p.s sorry I cannot think of 3 at the moment

  5. <3  = a heart, I have much love for the right one

    ______  = I am straight, and honest

    (   ) = I love hugging and being close, to the right one

  6. I think your question is brilliant :)  

    Well, here is my answer:

    No.1:  White Cirrus clouds.  Not so much the clouds themselves but the movement of air behind them, that show the expression of the cirrus clouds.  Soft and everchanging, transcending above the highest heavens weaving ghostlike mysterious images that are an expression of the evasiveness of the highest philosophical values.  And like the air cannot be seen but for the clouds, its own value exist only thru its creations.  

    No. 2.  A  firey rampart standing between light and darkness.  The fire is an indignation and vengeance that staves off the darkness, it's own existence denies its own salvation thru true vengeance of the Cross.

    no 3.  The Sword pointed against one's self.  The realization that the enemy is my own's symbolic of repentance thru obedience.

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