
What are toxic people??? Are they NEGATIVE, AND JEALOUS,

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and do not want the best for you??? What is wrong with them? and are they AWARE, cuz maybe not???




  1. Toxic by itself is a negative word. I've never heard that word used in a positive matter. That applies when you put it with another word. So, yes, toxic people are negative people. They want to harm you in any way possible without probably doing a physical damage. They won't punch you right in the face. They will spread rumors, negative ones.

    Who knows why they do it. Maybe, they want attention to themselves, or just to make them feel better that they are better than you. Stay away from these people.  

  2. I think it's misery loves company and there are alot of people who suffer from self esteem problems. So to make them feel better about themselves They try to put others down to make them feel better about theirself. If your self esteem is secure it's hard for them to shake you. But they will try all the harder to break you because they get off or some kind of power from this. If you are secure in your own feelings, thoughts and esteem they won't be able to crack you. illigistus non corundum este {sp} {never let the b******s wear you down.  My own thoughts. Below is from the web site listed below. * Toxic people are extremely negative, nasty, miserable, whiny, jealous, inconsiderate, financially irresponsible, selfish, and abusive. They can be criminally minded, mentally ill, or just plain evil. Toxic people are also the ones that abuse alcohol or drugs and then hurt other people. The toxic individual exudes the dark side of human nature all of the time. They cause other people pain, craziness, and aggravation. They are not hard to recognize. Just take notice of how you feel when you are around one of these people. It will be easy to determine. You will immediately feel sick and experience physical symptoms like a headache or stomach pain. Or you will just feel like you are going crazy, but don't worry that is the true mark of being with a toxic person. Remember this so that you will be better able to identify a toxic person. That is the first step towards eliminating one from your life.

    * Know that when a person is toxic it is because of their own issues. Sometimes these issues can consist of mental illness. Accept that a toxic persons behavior has nothing to do with you. In life, each of us has to take responsibility for our own actions. Toxic people do not do this. They have a habit of turning things around so that you feel bad, you feel guilty, and you feel like you are at fault. Remember that when dealing with a toxic person, they are responsible for their own actions, but often do not. Realize this and you take back your power.

    * The best thing you can do when dealing with a toxic person is to walk away and not allow them to hurt you anymore. If you cannot walk away, then mentally walk away. You can do that by being kind to yourself. Allow yourself to disengage, disassociate, and detach. Detachment is a process of not caring.

    It is something you do for yourself. It is a mental skill that takes some time to learn at first, but once it is mastered, it can help you to become stronger mentally and physically. Detachment is a necessary skill for preserving your own mental health. Detaching from people and situations that are not good for you is healthy and can help you to feel better. Begin detachment by repeating affirmations. Affirmations are powerful because over time, the mind believes what we program into it. The following are some good examples to help you, but feel free to make your own that speak to you personally.

  3. Toxic = poisonous.

    They cause all sorts of difficulties in life - some may be aware & enjoy being that way. Some may not & then are stupid enough to wonder why they are generally alone. Best wishes. UK

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