
What are twenty short answers to the question "who am I?" that relate to your life?

by Guest62617  |  earlier

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What are twenty short answers to the question "who am I?" that relate to your life?




  1. 1. I am a girl.

    2. I am Catholic.

    3. I put off writing letters and e-mails.

    4. I want to be known for my empathy and kindness.

    5. A personality suggestion hurts me more than a zillion screamed curses.

    6. I stay up too late.

    5. I miss a lot of school.

    6. I am close friends/family with four people with special needs, and i volunteer with a special class.

    7. I want to live in New York City someday .. even for a year.

    8. I have a knack for picking up languages. I speak two, and am learning two.

    9. I am fifteen, going on sixteen.

    10. The Sound of Music is my favorite movie.

    11. I am not entirely closed off to a vocational life .. and that scares me a bit.

    12. I want a lot of kids - five or six would be nice.

    13. Life makes me happy.

    14. People make me unhappy.

    15. My favorite subjects are philosophy, psychology, sociology, math and music.

    16. I plan on applying to all seven Ivy Leagues, although I don't think I'll get in to any.

    17. Daydreaming is an actual pastime of mine.

    18. I doubt anyone would recognize me if they read this.

    19. I organize.

    20. Keeping someone else alive is a big responsibility.

  2. 1. I am a man.

    2. I eat, and sometimes too much.

    3. I drink, and I like it.

    4. I am educated.

    5. I work.

    6. I am married.

    7. I am a father.

    8. I love my family.

    9. I love my friends.

    10. My life is not what I thought it would be.

    11. I have a bad back.

    12. My vision and hearing aren't what they used to be.

    13. I am funny.

    14. I am misunderstood.

    15. I love youth.

    16. I am not afraid.

    17. I read.

    18. I have been away from my hometown for too long.

    19. I want to return home.

    20. I am as horny at 37 as I was at 12 and don't see that ever changing.

  3. 1. I am lucky

    2. I could be dead now.

    3. I chose the highest roads

    4. I am kinder to others then they have been to me.

    5. I was taught little, yet learned much

    6. I am more content than I should be.

    7. I realize I need less than I ever thought.

    8. I have gotten many glasses of lemonaide from the lemons handed to me.

    9. people are mean, yet I persevere.

    10. I have done better than both my parents

    11. I have found that we are all the same.

    12. I have discovered that all places are relatively the same.

    13. I believe racism is an excuse for those who do not get a fair shake.

    14. I believe the 60's were the best for music.

    15. I think wearing a cowboy hat and pointed boots does not make you a country & western artist.

    16. I am not as lazy as some of my brethren

    17. I think if you don't use it, you lose it.

    18. I love warm contraltos like k.d. lang and Karen Carpenter

    19. I would never waste my time dying my hair.

    20. I don't mind dying and I don't really care, if it's it's peace you find in dying then let the time be near.

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