
What are two dishes that are similar? One has to be Australian and one has to be American!!!?

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I am an ambassador going to Australia this summer. We have to do a Project Fair and I am doing food.

I need to know two dishes that are similar but one be Australian and One be American but similar and the recipes too.

thank you!!!!




  1. vegemite and peanut butter?

  2. What a fun project-and everyone loves food.

    Here are two similar foods for Americans and Aussies, and easy too make.

    Brownies versus Lamingtons:

    Brownies are individual American "cakes", made of gooey chocolate batter, and with chocolate icing;

    Lamingtons are individual cubes of stale spongecake, dipped in chocolate and rolled in coconut.

    Both are commonly served after school meetings or sold at bake sales.

    Real crowd pleasers!

  3. sorry but Australia is not Ethnic,   you insult us

    we do have probalby the largest variety of ethnic restaurants here,  apparently there is at least one restaurant from every country in the world.

    I would suggest you look at the Australian Womens Weekly site and go to the recipies for your answers

    good lck

  4. Please pay attention to the advertising the Australian government does.

    " I'll put another shrimp on the barbie for you mate"

    So take my advice and put a Barbie on the grill, the dolls hair will get singed so be sure to wrap it in foil..

  5. Australian: scones.

    American: biscuits.

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