
What are two things that an experienced driver might do that will cause him/her to be an UNSAFE driver?

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What are two things that an experienced driver might do that will cause him/her to be an UNSAFE driver?




  1. Drive faster than they should.

    Forget to use mirrors.

    Not looking twice.

    Okay, that's three.

  2. They will probably let their emotions effect their driving or/and be peer pressure to break the law for ex drinking and driving or street racing.

  3. 1) Talking on a cell phone

    2) Driving at a high rate of speed.

  4. Drinking and driving fast.

  5. Talk on the Cell and eat a greasy burger..

  6. Relax too much while driving. Fail to get enough sleep.

  7. Seems like purchasing a BMW, Volvo, SUV or a Lexus turns a lot of people into unsafe drivers.  "Caution Baby On Board" stickers will turn some drivers into obnoxious idiots while driving.

  8. 1) Participate in an unprotected s*x act while driving.

    2) Driving around real fast with a pair of scissors.

  9. 1).  "Drink".

    2). "Fall asleep".

  10. The number one cause of accidents is distractions (ie. using a cell phone, eating while driving, etc.).

    The second thing would be being overconfident in ones ability and becoming upset with other drivers on the road or reckless.  Being patient with other drivers on the road is one of the best ways an experienced driver can prevent being in accidents.

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