
What are typical egyptian features?

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Many think egyptians are very good looking. They have are caucasians and have olive skin.

Some black africans immigrants are in Egypt. I am not talking about them.

What do you think?




  1. Typically, the Nile Valley "melting pot", which we now know as Egypt, was genetically composed of about 2 parts North African Caucasian, with about 1 part Sub-Saharan Neegroid, resulting in a beautifully bronzed, tan-colored skin, which we now see in many mixed-race African Americans...

  2. Egypt is part of Africa, not Europe.  Check the map!

    The native Egyptians are Africans by definition.  But the "olive-skinned" ones you refer to are no more or less Egyptian than the darker-skinned people.  Ancient Egypt was a melting pot, and the population shared features of Asians, Africans and Caucasians.  Back then people were likely have complexions similar to some of today's African-Americans like Vanessa Williams, Barack Obama and Tiger Woods, i.e. visibly mixed ancestry.  

    Of course the earliest humans originated in Africa and migrated outward from there, so it's not really surprising.

    Below are some links and pictures of modern-day Egyptians- including former Egyptian president Sadat and current president Mubarak.

  3. Queen Nefertiti was an Egyptian queen - she has given rise to the tradition that she was one of the most beautiful women of antiquity. ... (1380-1362 BC) - for images see:

  4. In all actuality what most consider to be caucasian features are really black. Features such as the aquiline nose and thin lips developed on the african continent long before outward migrations to distant lands. There's many african people that have what is considered  caucasian traits. The black immigrants that have recently migrated to egypt are probably closer in relationship to the original egyptians than the arabic semitic type that at some point  invaded/migrated into the blacklands.

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